Testing in L.A. is now available to all residents
The city continues to ask all residents to wear cloth face masks while doing essential tasks during the Safer at Home emergency. Do NOT use surgical or N95 masks, instead use bandanas or other cloth masks. This is to prevent those who may be asymptomatic from spreading COVID during essential tasks.
Please visit Coronavirus.LACity.org/Testing for information about free COVID-19 testing by the City of L.A. Schedule an appointment now.
Por favor visita la pagina Coronavirus.LACity.org/Testing para obtener información sobre las pruebas gratuitas de COVID-19 realizadas por la ciudad de L.A. Programe una cita ahora.
Covered California
Anyone who meets Covered California’s eligibility requirements should apply for coverage.
Learn more and sign up for coverage at https://www.coveredca.com/
Keep yourself healthy
Wondering what you can do to keep yourself healthy and prevent the spread of the Coronavirus? Check out these tips from the Mayor’s Office in addition to the answers to Frequently Asked Questions from the L.A. County Department of Public Health! You can also read the message from the Palms NC President regarding CODIV-19. And here’s another resource of more detailed information if you can’t find your specific answers elsewhere.
What you can do:
Use healthy hygiene practices
If you are sick, stay home. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Cover your cough or sneeze. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
If you have recently traveled in an area with coronavirus infections and are showing symptoms, monitor your health and seek medical attention.
State of California Face Covering Guidance as of June 18, 2020
Plan ahead
As Angelenos living in earthquake country, we know the importance of personal preparedness on any given day. Have extra food, water, medical supplies, and emergency kits. Talk to your family, friends, and neighbors to develop emergency plans.
Stay informed
Stick with official sources for accurate and up-to-date information, including www.cdc.gov and publichealth.lacounty.gov. You can sign up for our City’s Mass notification system at NotifyLA.org.
Other Related Health Issues
Do you have questions about how your condition may be impacted by COVID-19? Or have other health related questions due to the COVID-19 crisis? If you cannot reach your primary care provider, or do not have one, here are some additional resources that may be helpful.
Diabetes FAQ from the American Diabetes Association
Pre-diabetes advice during COVID-19 from Lark
Advice from Asbestos.com for cancer patients and COVID-19